Are you looking for a little extra support in your dogs training? You're doing the lessons but you need some extra help during the week to make sure you meet your training goals, or you'd like to just take a little bit of the work off your plate. Maybe the training is going great, but you'd like some extra enrichment for your pup, or a visit during the day while you are at work or running errands? With our supportive training options we may have just the thing for you!
Our supplemental services are designed to work alongside lessons you are doing with your trainer, supporting ongoing training that is happening at home. We have three different options of supplemental services; Day Training, Decompression Walks and Double Up! Get all the details on these options below!

Day Training
Day Training is a great option for the dog who needs a little extra training time during the week. During Day Training we will focus on the goals set during your conversations with our trainers, whether that is training time at home or focusing on goals in real world locations. It can be difficult for most owners to work on those goals while fewer people are out and about, and we are more able to work at non-normal times in those spaces.
Each session, your trainer will come to your home and work with your dog for an hour. Your trainer will come between the hours of 10am and 4pm, so that your dog gets a nice break in their day while you are at work, and will determine the best location based on your dogs needs and the available time. It could be a local park, a nearby store, working in the neighborhood, or just around the house. If your trainer selects to go to another location driving time will be limited to 30 minutes total.
It is important to remember that any training without you is a jump start. There will still be work to do when your pup is home with you to reinforce the training and make sure that everything transfers. Pairing lessons with your supplemental services will help with that and we are happy to continue to support you as much as we can to make sure that everything transfers smoothly. If you are concerned about the transfer process, make sure to let us know and we can help you come up with additional plans to make it as smooth as possible.