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General Questions

What is the best service for my dog?

That really depends on what you are looking for! For most clients we recommend Private Lessons above all else. Especially if you are training on a budget. Private Lessons allow us to really focus one on one with you and directly address your most pressing concerns. This will give you the skills to continue working with your dog, as well as give you a personalized experience. If you aren't sure where to start, schedule a phone consutlation with us and we can help!

Do you offer a guarantee?

We do not offer guarantee's on our training. Dogs are living beings and are often unpredictable. We guarantee that we will do our best for you and your dog, and set you up with the best possible tools that we can, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee your dogs behavior.

Do you offer pet sitting or boarding?

Currently this is a service that we only offer to grandfathered clients. We are not taking new pet sitting clients at this time.

What tools do you use?

We are force free trainers (also referred to as positive reinforcement trainers). This means we do not use pain, intimidation or fear to teach our dogs anything. So what do we use? Lots of treats! We will also use toys for dogs who find them reinforcing. We use leashes, long lines, flat collars, martingale collars (for safety, not correcting), front clip harnesses and back clip harnesses.

Where do we meet?

We will meet wherever you like! We do not have a location, and we really prefer to work with you in your environment. Often we will start working with you in your home and neighborhood, and then branch out to local parks and other locations depending on your goals.

Private Lessons

Private Lesson FAQ

Where do we meet our trainer?

Your trainer will meet you at your home! We do not have a location and prefer to work with you in the environment where you will be working with your dog every day. We usually start working with you in your home and neighborhood, branching out to local parks and other locations depending on your goals.

How many lessons do we need?

This is a question that we really can't answer until we get some one on one time with you and your dog, and it's an answer that may change as we go through our training journey together. The biggest factor in how long your dogs training will take is you and if you do the homework, as well as how your dog responds to the training. Your dog may learn very quickly, they might get stuck on something. We really have no way of knowing for sure, but we will often be able to give you an estimate of sessions after your initial session.

Do you offer a guarantee?

We do not offer guarantee's on our training. Dogs are living beings and are often unpredictable. We guarantee that we will do our best for you and your dog, and set you up with the best possible tools that we can, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee your dogs behavior.

Should we do In Person or Virtual Lessons?

This is a great question, and one that kind of depends on what you are looking to accomplish. We recommend that everyone begin with an Initial Virtual Lesson. Doing the initial session virtually allows us to get into in depth concepts without anyone worrying about an over-excited dogs, and it allows us to record the session so that you will have access to it later and can focus without taking notes. After the initial lesson it is really up to you! We can teach pretty much anything virtually as wel as in person. Virtual works really well for things like separation anxiety, highly fearful dogs, and dogs who are aggressive/reactive to humans entering their home. In person might be a better fit if you feel that you need more hands on coaching. Not sure what the best fit for you is? Schedule a phone consultation with us and we can help you figure it out!

What can be addressed through Private Lessons?

Through Private Lessons we can address pretty much any issues you are having. We do not take severe aggression or separation anxiety cases, but everything else we can tackle in Private Lessons.

What happens when the weather is bad?

In the case of inclement weather we will either adjust our lesson plan to work on indoor skills (whether that is in your house or working inside a store depending on your goals), or we may reschedule to a time with better weather. The final decision will be between you and your trainer on a case by case basis.

Board & Train

Board & Train FAQ

What will my dogs stay look like?

Our Board & Train programs are custom built for each dog, so the specifics of your dogs exact stay will vary. Before your dogs stay you will set a training plan with your trainer that includes specific goals for your dog, and you will discuss their schedule for their Board & Train. Each of our dogs typically get 2-3 formal training sessions during the day, for five days out of the week. For each week of their stay they will get two days off from formal training (their brains need rest too!) and typically around one field trip per week of their stay (depending on if this is the right service for your dog). Every dog will receive incidental training throughout every day to reinforce good household manners, and daily exercise is a given!

Is my dog a good fit for a Board & Train?

We do our best to accomodate as many different types of dogs as possible. If you are concerned about if your dog might be a good fit, please reach out and ask us. There are a few things that every dog should be to be a good fit. We are unable to accomodate dogs with separation issues. They do not have to be fully crate trained if they are puppies, but able to be crated and separated without panic. They should also be able to be somewhat around other dogs. We do accomodate for dogs who do not enjoy the company of other dogs, but they should be able to see them at a distance and be contained. If you aren't sure if your dog fits these criteria, reach out and let's chat about it!

Do you offer a guarantee?

We do not offer guarantee's on our training. Dogs are living beings and are often unpredictable. We guarantee that we will do our best for you and your dog, and set you up with the best possible tools that we can, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee your dogs behavior.

How long should my dog stay?

For the most effective Board & Train experience we highly recommend a minimum of two weeks for your pups first stay with us. Follow up stays may be shorter, and we are more than happy to create custom length programs to match with your travel if you will be out of town during your pups stay.

Where do I drop my dog off?

You will set drop off and pick up with your trainer during your initial virtual lesson or phone consultation with them. Our trainers may pick your dog up from your home, set a meeting point halfway between you, or invite you to drop your dog off at their home. It all depends on both locations and you and your trainers comfort levels. You will get to discuss the specifics of their location with them during your initial conversation, and may even be able to get a bit of a tour! At the end of your dogs stay, your trainer will bring your dog to your home so that you can have your first follow up lesson and get things started on the right foot right away.

Where will my dog sleep?

The answer to this also depends on what trainer you are paired with, and is something you will discuss with them during your conversation before your stay. Typically our dogs will stay in a crate inside the home, or in a kennel in a secondary building which is also climate controlled and monitored by cameras.

What can be addressed through a Board & Train?

Board & Trains are a great option for puppies and adolescent dogs who you are looking to work on the basics. They are a great jump start for someone else to do the heavy lifting and get the ball rolling for you. We can work on basic obedience, a foundation for potty training, basic reactivity, advanced obedience, taking skills out and about, and more! Board & Trains are not a good fit for aggression issues or separation anxiety.

When should my dog stay?

While it can be great to get a Board & Train done while you are out of town, you do not have to be going on a trip to utilize this service! If you are heading out of town, please know that we will do our best to accommodate any trip dates you have coming up, however our Board & Train spots are very limited and typically book out at least a month in advance. Our Behavior Board & Trains especially will often book out a few months in advance. It is typically recommended to plan pretty far ahead if you would like to tie the Board & Train in with a trip.

What is included in the Board & Train price?

Included in the daily rate for your dogs stay is daily training and exercise, weekly field trips (when approrpriate), accomodation in our trainers home, regular photo and video updates, follow up instructional information (including videos and written instructions), and one follow up lesson per week of your dogs stay to transfer all of their new skills to your home. So if your dog has stayed with us for two weeks, you will get two transfer lessons. (Transfer lessons should be used within 6 months of your Board & Trains completion)

How many dogs stay at a time?

The answer to this is very specific to each trainer, and they will be happy to answer this during your initial conversation!

Supplemental Services

Supplemetal Services FAQ

Is my dog a good fit for Day Training or Decompression Walks?

Most dogs are a great fit for these services!

Where does my dog go?

It depends on your goals for your dog, your location, and where your dog is at in their training journey. For Decompression Walks, we usually try to find a spot within a 10-15 minute drive of your home so that we aren't spending too long in the car. For Day Training, we try to find the same, but locations tend to vary more. We may just work in your home or neighborhoood. We may go to a busy park. We may go to a store! It really just depends. Your trainer will communicate with you about locations they are going to though.

Do you offer a guarantee?

We do not offer guarantee's on our training. Dogs are living beings and are often unpredictable. We guarantee that we will do our best for you and your dog, and set you up with the best possible tools that we can, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee your dogs behavior.

Do I have to do lessons with Day Training?

You do not have to do lessons with Day Training. They can be a great complement to each other, especially if you are looking to teach new skills or tackle problem behaviors, but we do not require them.

How many dogs do you take at a time?

If we are going out in public for a Day Training session we only take one dog at a time. If you would like us to work with more than one dog in the home we can split time between them, add additional time, or schedule them tandem sessions each with a dedicated trainer. Working in your home we are happy to work with as many dogs as live in your home. For Decompression Walks we are able to take up to two dogs together with one trainer. If you have more than two dogs you would like to go together, we add an additional handler for a fee of $20. We do not take dogs who don't live together out on walks or training excursions together.

How do I know what my dog is doing during Day Training?

During Day Training sessions your trainer will take as much video as they can of the training they are doing. (Sometimes this is tricky if we are out in public, but we do our best). After your session they will edit the highlights together, record a voiceover explaining things, and send it over to you. If you are doing more than one Day Training session per week, you will get weekly update videos.

What can be addressed through Day Training?

We can help you work through most issues during Day Training. Of course basic obedience and puppy skills are high on the list. This a great option to help you work on socialization with your puppy! We can also work on reactivity and even separation anxiety through Day Training!

Are Decompression Walks off leash?

No. We do not take client dogs off leash for safety reasons. We do our Decompression Walks on long lines so they still get to sniff and explore, but everyone stays safe.

Do I have to do training to do Decompression Walks?

No. Decompression Walks are open to everyone!

What happens when the weather is bad?

In the case of inclement weather we will either adjust our lesson plan to work on indoor skills (whether that is in your house or working inside a store depending on your goals), or we may reschedule to a time with better weather. The final decision will be between you and your trainer on a case by case basis. Decompression Walks will be cancelled during extreme weather.

Virtual Training

Virtual Training FAQ

Why virtual training?

Virtual training is a great option for many reasons. We started offering it during the COVID shutdown as a way to keep training accessible to everyone, and it has really grown from there. Utilizing Virtual Lessons we can teach you pretty much anything we can teach you in person. This makes training more accesible for those who do have health concerns and are cautious in this new world, and allows people to work with us from anywhere! We also record all of our virtual sessions, so this gives you a recording to look back on just in case you forget anything.

How do Virtual Courses work?

Our virtual courses are hosted through our website. They are broken down into 4 week or 6 week courses, but you are welcome to take them at your own pace. Each week has a "lecture" to kick off the week which includes typed instructions and instructional videos for the skills you are learning. After that there are 4 sessions per week of guided training. We have recorded our trainers guiding you through training sessions and telling you exactly what to do, so you don't have to sit and wonder what you should be doing with your dog or how to structure a training session. We've done it for you! The virtual course also gives you access to handouts you can download for all skills taught in the class, and a forum where you can ask questions of our trainers, and share your successes and struggles with other students!

Do you offer a guarantee?

We do not offer guarantee's on our training. Dogs are living beings and are often unpredictable. We guarantee that we will do our best for you and your dog, and set you up with the best possible tools that we can, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee your dogs behavior.

What if I don't want to be on camera?

If you don't want to be seen training on camera, then virtual training might not be the best route for you. We completely understand the anxiety of training on camera (trust me, we hate it too), and understand if this is not the right route for you. We do want to ensure you though that we never share our recorded sessions with anyone other than you.

Do Virtual Lessons really work?

Yes they do! We know it can be hard to believe but we have been able to work with clients on everything from fun trick training to reactivity using virtual lessons.

Is there a time limit on the Virtual Courses?

There is no time limit. We have recommended timing for how long the course takes you of course, but you are welcome to take the course at your own pace and you keep access to it forever.

Does my dog need to be present for Virtual Lessons?

It can be very helpful for your dog to be present during virtual lessons. Typically in the first virtual lesson we do a lot of talking so if they are going to miss one that is okay. We can also treat our virtual lessons as more of a problem solving session than an active learning lesson if your dog is not available but you would still like to discuss things you are struggling with and get some feedback on how to work on them. If your dog is present we will likely have you do some work with them in front of the camera so that we can give you instructions.

Classes & Workshops

Classes FAQ

What is the difference between classes and workshops?

Classes meet once a week for multiple weeks, however workshops meet only once.

Where are classes and workshops held?

The locations for our classes and workshops depend on who signs up! In the week leading up to the class our trainers will take a look at everyone who is signed up and plan a location that makes sense for everyone. Typically the location will be sent to you 48 hours before the workshop.

Do you offer a guarantee?

We do not offer guarantee's on our training. Dogs are living beings and are often unpredictable. We guarantee that we will do our best for you and your dog, and set you up with the best possible tools that we can, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee your dogs behavior.

Why are there no classes from June - September?

Since we do not have access to an air conditioned space our classes go on hiatus for the summer.

Why do you mostly offer workshops?

Since we do not have a location we find it difficult to guarantee we will have consistent access to the same spot in public for multiple weeks in a row, therefore the one off workshops tend to be more successful. If you are looking for a more classic weekly class we recommend checking out our Virtual Courses, or Every Dog Behavior & Training.

What happens when weather is bad?

In the case of inclement weather classes will be cancelled and rescheduled for another date. If you have already paid for your class and it is cancelled we can transfer your payment to the new date, or refund your payment.

What should I bring with me to class?

When coming to a class or workshop you should always bring your dog on a six foot leash and either a harness or collar. We do not allow prong collars, choke chains, or e-collars in our classes. You should also always come with lots and lots and lots of treats (we recommend a variety of options), and a bowl and water for your dog. We also recommend bringing water for yourself and a collapsible chair is never a bad idea. For some classes and workshops we will recommend specific additional supplies. You will be informed of those recommendations in the welcome email about 48 hours before your workshop.

Training Programs

Training Program FAQ

What is the benefit of a program?

Training programs are a great way to combine the benefits of Private Lessons and Day Training with a dose of structure. It allows you and your trainer to plan ahead, and really structure your dogs sessions knowing exactly when the next session will be.

Where will my dog go for Day Training?

It depends on your goals for your dog, your location, and where your dog is at in their training journey. We usually try to find spots within a 10-15 minute drive of your home so that we aren't spending too long in the car. We may just work in your home or neighborhoood. We may go to a busy park. We may go to a store! It really just depends. Your trainer will communicate with you about locations they are going to though.

Do you offer a guarantee?

We do not offer guarantee's on our training. Dogs are living beings and are often unpredictable. We guarantee that we will do our best for you and your dog, and set you up with the best possible tools that we can, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee your dogs behavior.

My dog will only need one month of this program, right?

Maybe? It's possible but as with all things it really just depends on your dog, your goals, and if you're doing the homework.

What happens when weather is bad?

In the case of inclement weather we will either adjust our lesson plan to work on indoor skills (whether that is in your house or working inside a store depending on your goals), or we may reschedule to a time with better weather. The final decision will be between you and your trainer on a case by case basis.

How do I know what is being worked on during Day Training?

During Day Training sessions your trainer will take as much video as they can of the training they are doing. (Sometimes this is tricky if we are out in public, but we do our best). After your session they will edit the highlights together, record a voiceover explaining things, and send it over to you. If you are doing more than one Day Training session per week, you will get weekly update videos.

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